Choose the right course for you
A wonderful future in Chinese herbal medicine awaits you. Choosing the right course has a great impact on your future success and the support you will receive as a practitioner. This is why the RCHM only approves courses that meet the accreditation standards of the European Healthcare and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association (EHTPA)

EHTPA accredited courses provide:
- A significant supervised clinical component
- Training that will actually enable you to practise upon graduation
- A proven track-record of student satisfaction
- Training in how to practise safely and legally
- Free student membership of the RCHM during your course
- Admission to the RCHM as a full member upon graduation

What graduates from our accredited courses say:
“From start to finish, this course was amazing. The material we covered, and the support we had and continue to have is wonderful. I completed the course knowing I could support people with Chinese herbs."
“Taking the herbs course has led to a huge deepening in my understanding of the myriad of ways we can use Chinese Herbal Medicine to treat very complex conditions – something that is key to having a successful business.”

FREE Student membership of the RCHM for the duration of your course
As a student member you receive
- Full access to all the resources of a full member
- Connection to the community through our private facebook group, forum and numerous in person and online events - both discounted and free
- Participation in our vibrant research community comprising the most high-profile and active academics in the UK and around the world.

The RCHM New Practitioner Scheme:
Continued Support After Graduation
At the RCHM, we know that the years immediately after graduation can
be the hardest as you set up your practice. For this reason, the RCHM
runs a scheme to support new practitioners by connecting you up with experienced practitioners in the membership to give you advice and help you find your feet. They will
help you with everything from difficult cases to the practical aspects of running a Chinese Herbal Medicine business.

Lifelong support in practice
The practice of Chinese herbal medicine requires a lot of support. The RCHM keeps its members and their patients safe by keeping you up to date with legal requirements, supporting you with CPD, providing you with safety information from the latest research and priorities communicated from government agencies and by auditing herbal suppliers to give you a reliable source of herbal medicines. In addition, you join a wonderful community of supportive practitioners who love nothing more than to help their fellow herbalists.
The RCHM is the only organisation that does all of this vital work and we need your support! The best way you can support the future of Chinese herbal medicine in the UK is to choose a course that both supports you in practice and meets the high standard that can reassure the public. If you graduate from an EHTPA accredited course, you will be able to proudly display the RCHM logo and the EHTPA herbmark!
Current EHTPA accredited courses
(in alphabetical order)
Courses that require prior acupuncture training:
Northern College of Acupuncture, York
MSc/Professional Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Tel: 01904 343 305
Email: [email protected]
Click here to find out more
White Crane Academy
Professional Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Email: [email protected]
Click here to find out more
Courses that do not require prior training:
White Crane Academy
Foundation Course
Interested in Finding Out More?
We have created pamphlet to explain more about studying Chinese herbal medicine. You can download it below.